Doctors have ruled DJ Am's death an accidental overdose. I am in no way a medical expert but I find it hard to believe that someone accidentally takes Cocaine, OxyContin, Hydrocodone or Vicodin, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Benadryl, and Levamisole. Nine different types of drugs all at one time.
DJ Am who's real name is Adam Goldstein was found dead in his NYC apartment a month ago. Drugs were in the apartment and Goldstein had a history of drug problems.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Jon's Out

...Pretty much. Jon has been dropped from the title, from now on it's just "Kate Plus 8". Which basically means now you get a full hour of Kates pity party and 8 children walking around going, " I wish Daddy was here." I think they should call it, "Kate kicks a dead, rotting horse with steel toed clogs and then gives it back to the breeder because she's a lazy biotch." Even then I still wouldn't watch it.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The CW Cancels "The Beautiful Life"
Mischa Barton's new series, The Beautiful Life has been canceled after just two episodes. I almost care...wait....wait....No. Nope, I don't care.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
True Blood and Puppy Love

Stephen Moyer, at an animal related fund raiser last night, said that his own furry friend will be in the wedding party when he and co-star Anna Paquin wed. Moyer's dog, Splash will act as ring bearer even though Paquin and Moyer haven't set a date for the actual wedding yet.
Ok, I have to admit this is cute. Though the first announcments of this union causes me to bug out (see below) I am really excited for this union. Maybe now that they are in love off-screen, I will like them more on screen.
Anna paquin,
Stephen Moyer,
True Blood.,
Wedding news
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Please file under: Things I NEVER wanted to know!
Now, I am totally friends of the over-share. What would I blog about if people didn't talk way to much and do really weird things. But this is a prime example of going to far. Mackenzie Phillips, daughter of John Phillips from the Momma's and the Papa's has come out with a new book and in this new book she says she had a sexual relationship with her father. SHE SLEPT WITH HER OWN FATHER!!!...ON PURPOSE...FOR YEARS!!! Who shares that!?! Who tells the world that type of information? I understand the need to talk about traumatic things to help move on, I get that. But this? No, this is the definition of an Over-share gone horribly wrong. But wait, there's more....
Phillips says this relationship lasted through her marriage to another man and only ended when she became pregnant and didn't know who the father was. She terminated the pregnancy and ended the sleeping with daddy.
This is horrible. You hear horrible stuff about children being rapped all the time by family members but I have never heard of an adult child sleeping with her father and enjoying it. I do not care how many drugs you are on, it's 3o types of creepy and I need to go puke up my dinner now.
Phillips says this relationship lasted through her marriage to another man and only ended when she became pregnant and didn't know who the father was. She terminated the pregnancy and ended the sleeping with daddy.
This is horrible. You hear horrible stuff about children being rapped all the time by family members but I have never heard of an adult child sleeping with her father and enjoying it. I do not care how many drugs you are on, it's 3o types of creepy and I need to go puke up my dinner now.
I love you Khloe!!!

I don't know much about the Kardashian's but I do know that Khloe has gotten a shit deal. She got ignored and teased and crapped on about her weight by everyone and that's why I am so happy she is the first one to get married. That's right! Justice! Yes, I know they have only been dating a month. Yes, I know they are rushing the wedding. And yes, I know its doomed but whatever! I love this bitch and I am happy for her. Rock on Khloe, ROCK ON!!!
More Baby News

Jude Law has also had a girl. Law confirmed that he was the father to be two months ago although he is no longer in a relationship with the mother. Jude Law is currently starring in Hamlet on Broadway. I'm proud of Jude Law. I have had issues with him ever since the pool table thing but congratulations to him anyway.
Baby Buffy is Born!!!

It's a girl for Sarah Michelle Gellar and husband Freddie Prinze Jr. Gellar gave birth Saturday to a girl who they have named Charlotte Grace. I am imagining itty bitty toy stakes and plush crosses as baby gifts.
Ellem Pompeo also had a baby girl this week. She and her husband have named her, Stella Luna.
You Rock! Have a Cup Cake
Hopefully he's a one women type guy...

Ok, so I read this and I flipped out inside. Why? Because I immediately went, "What! No! She's EVIL!" This is a powerful testament to Chloë Sevigny's acting ability because I just assume she is Nikki from "Big Love". She is so good as that character and that character is sooo evil that I had to remind myself that she was acting. Once I got over that, I was actually kinda excited about the rumor that Chloë Sevigny and Jason Segel hooked up after the Emmys. They could totally be my new fav couple.
Big Love,
Chloe Sevigny,
hookup rumor alert,
Jason Segel
Friday, September 18, 2009
Like a "B" Horror flick without the gratuitous nudity...

Those were the words used by my brother to describe "Jennifer's Body". We saw the film this afternoon and all I can say is that maybe if I had been under the influence of alcohol then maybe I would have enjoyed it more.
This movie is about best friends in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. Jennifer is the super hot cheerleader, played by Megan Fox and "Needy" is her best friend since the sand box, played by Amanda Seyfried. Basically through a bit of cross communication, Jennifer is sacrificed to the devil which would be fine if she was a virgin. And here is where I found my first issue with the film: How would anyone look at Megan Fox and think she was a virgin? I don't think she was EVER a virgin. I think she popped out of the womb rockin' 3 STDs and that Marylin Monroe tattoo that bothers me to no end.
So Jennifer is a demon in a hot body and she discovers that to maintain this hot body she must ingest the flesh of High School boys. Needy knows something is very wrong but shrugs it off and manages to find time amidst all the carnage to lose her own virginity to her boy friend in a scene that flips between awkward first time sex and Fox chewing out a guys stomach while Akon's " I wanna love you" plays in the back round ( This would be funny if you were drunk, but your not).
At this point in the movie my brother starts to shift and sigh and later admits to me that he contemplated walking out of the film. I did too but I wanted to give Deablo Cody the benefit of the doubt so I stayed...stupid idea. Next up was the completely unnecessary and unrelated and un explained girl on girl make out scene. Were they lesbians? Did Needy have a secret crush on Jennifer? I have no idea because it happened and it was over and that was it. Maybe they did explain it but I was trying not to gag at the sight of Megan Fox's thumbs, she has no knuckles! She has midget thumbs!!! Moving on...
The end of the film, and I won't ruin it because maybe some of you still want to pay $12.50 and hey, who am I to judge, takes place in an abandoned indoor pool in the middle of a field. Why is there an abandoned indoor pool in the middle of a field? I have no idea but unless there trees and shrubs grow really fast, its been there for quite a while. Jennifer has dragged Needy's boyfriend there and started to eat his neck (because it's the night of the school dance and she wants to look her best of course) and Needy pepper sprays her which has an adverse effect because it makes Jennifer levitate. Of course there is an epic battle between best friends and the boyfriend died because he has no neck anymore. And there is this band that plays this song throughout the entire film. You would like the song if they didn't play it throughout the entire film. They die also which made me happy because I thought to myself, " Thank god, they can't play that stupid song anymore!!!" Other thoughts I had throughout the film were, "Why is the first person to die in these type of films never white?" " Deers do not eat meat and I'm pretty sure if they did, it would not be human flesh." "Why is there a beaver present?" "Why are Fox's teeth so long?" "That guys cell phone is improving this film." " I should have bought twizzlers" " God, I need alcohol for this." "Neither of those would help me in this situation." " This is just awful" " When does Big Love premiere?" "When does Ugly Betty premiere?" "She is leaving behind, hair, saliva and finger prints and they still cannot find her." " I have to pee."
You could see this or you could remember what it was like to dissect a frog in High school bio. It's up to you.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
You desperately need a Cupcake

This weeks Cupcake goes to Jessica Simpson. ( No, not Kanye or Taylor Swift) Jess Sim's dear dog, Daisy was brutally kidnapped (and probably eaten) by a Coyote. Simpson is still holding out hope of finder her dog and has posted posters around her neighborhood. I'm holding out hope too. I hope she finds Daisy. But just in case she doesn't, I found her a puppy cupcake. This cupcake is "borrowed" from SugarBloom Cupcakes. Check out their blog it's really fun.
Jessica Simpson,
You need a cupcake
Goodbye Henry Gibson
Be my Baby

Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelly have released the name and a picture of their new baby girl. Naleigh (short for Nancy Leigh) is a special needs baby from South Korea. I love this baby. She is just too cute. Congratulations to the new family.
Photo Provided by
Monday, September 14, 2009
Patrick Swayze passes
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Someone needs to smack this bitch
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sorry I forgot your Birthday, here's a Cupcake
It's a girl!

Now I know Katherine Heigl and I have had our issues but I am putting them aside to offer her congratulations. Heigl and her husband Josh Kelly,(Who's latest album you should download immediately) are adopting a baby girl from Korea. Heigl has a sister who was adopted for Korea. Congrats to Katy and Josh. And yes, I am on a first name basis with them. (Not really)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's a Boy!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Tila Tequila had a boyfriend?

So Tila Tequila had a boyfriend? I missed this but that's ok because now since he decided to assault her, it's all I'm going to hear about for the next week or so. I kinda feel back because this guy is huge and Tila is so tiny. It's like an Elephant trying to choke a mouse or something.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Just say yes to the Cupcake

Whitney Houston gets the cupcake this week for launching the most anti-climatic come back. For you Whitney, I have selected a Cookie Monster Cupcake. Both you and Cookie Monster have struggled with addiction and I hope you will reach out and help him quit the cookies. Also I just didn't care enough to Google a special cupcake for you.
Hey if you have an idea for who should get a cupcake, or you just love me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter and let me know. Tootles!
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